Quest of a Lost Soul

Penmancy posted under Book Review on 2024-08-20

In her debut poetry collection, Quest of a Lost Soul, poetess Roohi Bhargava invites readers on an introspective journey through the intricate maze of human emotions. 

With simplicity and sincerity, Bhargava explores themes of life, love, longing, friendship, heartbreak, dreams, and hope, crafting a collection that offers readers a glimpse into the complexities of the human experience.

Quest of a Lost Soul is about seeking meaning and understanding in the myriad emotions that define our existence. Each poem serves as a vignette, narrating a story beneath its verses. 

Through the simplicity and brevity of her verses, Bhargava takes readers on a journey of reflection, creating a bridge between her personal path and the universal pursuit of self-discovery.

The language is marked by its lucidity and clarity. The poetess has a knack for distilling complex emotions into concise and impactful verses. While this simplicity renders the poems extremely approachable and easy to comprehend, there are moments where the verses feel repetitive, lacking the varied cadence that could elevate the collection to greater heights.

A more defined structural organization could enhance the overall impact of the collection. Presently, the poems flow seamlessly from one to another without clear demarcations based on themes. A structured arrangement could provide readers with a more immersive experience, allowing them to navigate the collection with purpose.

Despite this, the poems successfully capture moments of raw emotion. Bhargava masterfully weaves together words to create snapshots of life's highs and lows.

One of the noteworthy aspects of the collection is its thematic diversity. The poetess ventures into the intricate nuances of various emotions, creating a mosaic that mirrors the kaleidoscope of life. Love, the centerpiece of many poems, is explored in its multifaceted dimensions, from the euphoria of new beginnings to the melancholy of farewells.

While each poem has its own merit, certain pieces stand out for their ability to evoke a sense of pathos. For example, 

“If life had been easy,

If thoughts could be stopped,

If words could arrange themselves,

to not hurt anyone,

If happiness came easy,

If things got arranged eventually,

If smiles came free,

If love came suddenly,

and a tad bit more truly, 

Life would have been a happy thing.”


“An idea struck and I picked up the pen

Hoping that my words will make a louder noise

than my own voice,

To show the world The power of words,

The power of silence,

Which makes the largest echo.”


It is evident that Bhargava draws inspiration from personal experiences, infusing authenticity into her work, which makes the readers resonate deeply with the verses. 

Overall, Quest of a Lost Soul is a sincere foray into the emotional landscape of human existence; a genuine endeavor that opens a window into the poetess’s heart. As a debut poetry collection, it bears the promise of growth and refinement in future collections.

With its simplicity and heartfelt exploration of universal themes, the collection provides readers with moments of introspection. For readers who appreciate poetry that delves into the intricacies of human emotion, this soulful collection offers a poignant exploration of life's profound moments.
