
Shweta Mathur Lall posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-14

‘In pieces I lay strewn, abandoned by my love, I croon. As I breathe my last, I wished, love of my life fulfilled.’ ‘Don’t cry Bansi, he loved you! More than himself.’ ‘Mayurpankh, you adorn his forehead and I resided in his heart, if he loved me, then why did he desert me?’ Bansi wailed. ‘He has always lived for the well-being of the world, however today is a day of personal grief.’ Mayurpankh sensed his master’s state of despair as he had been his constant companion for decades. ‘Mayurpankh, she is not moving, even when in his arms. Has she... left this mortal world?’ Bansi forgot her pain as the truth dawned upon her. Mayurpankh had sensed the tragedy that had befallen upon Bansidhar. ‘Bansi, their love can never die, she has merged into him for time immemorial. They shall always be an epitome of true love, without expectations.’ He tried to console the weak-hearted Bansi, whose mellifluous voice cracked with sobs, like her present form. ‘Mayur, do you remember the day when he kissed me so passionately that I exuded the most melodious music, and she couldn’t help but fall in love with him?’ ‘Yes, indeed I do. Do you remember when they performed the Raaslila entire night and the Madhuvan became their stage?’ ‘Yes, I do. He kept me safe with him even though they drifted apart and did not seal their love with marriage. He never played me ever till today when they met again after decades. Tell me, why did he leave her behind?’ Bansi was clinging to her hope of love. ‘He had a greater purpose to achieve, to put an end to the injustice, the world was experiencing. In doing so he had to sacrifice his true love and personal pleasures.’ Mayurpankh explained. ‘Is true love always selfless?’ ‘Yes, I believe they wanted to convey the message that love is eternal, not dependent on physical proximity. He had his duties to fulfil, and she trod her path, but their love is immortal. Today, he felt her distressed presence and ventured out to seek her, and brought you along too, Bansi.’ ‘She was waiting by the riverside, to draw her last breath. He clutched her and me, tight in his embrace. She requested him to play me, and he did, after so many years. I felt quenched. He suddenly went still and she too. His tears muffled my orifices, and he broke me into pieces and threw me aside.’ Bansi cried. ‘Bansi, you symbolised her. As she left her mortal form and seeped into his, so will your essence.’ Bansi regained her composure, ‘Mayurpankh, promise, you shall never leave his side. Adorn, and guide him.’ ‘Bansi, I promise, whenever this world shall celebrate love, their name will be revered foremost, and you too shall be remembered as their symbol of love.’ Mayurpankh prophesied. Bansi sighed and Mayurpankh drooped, as they witnessed the two lovelorn souls merged into one for eternity. *** Author’s note: Lord Krishna’s love for Radha is a motivation for lovers around the world. After Radha’s death, Krishna never played the flute ever again. He carried his yearning for Radha lifelong, till he left his mortal form. GLOSSARY: Bansi: bansuri/ flute. Lord Krishna’s favourite musical instrument. Mayurpankh: Peacock feather that he wears always. Bansidhar: another name of Lord Krishna Raaslila: Radha and Krishna’s sensual dance Madhuvan: The place they met as lovers in Vrindavan.


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