Radio Tales

Priya Washikar posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-18 on 2020-04-27

INTROSPECTION "Good Afternoon! This is your host and dost RJ Kabir. Welcome to your favourite show Mid-day Melodies." Sonu Nigam's soulful voice filled the car as he started singing 'Kal Ho Na Ho'. The driver hurriedly lowered the volume of the Radio. "Let it be Baabu. This is a melodious number", said Rajat to the surprised driver.


Rajat Sethi was the quintessential Stock Market Baron. His plush BMW was stuck in traffic for the past one hour. 

The last few days had been restless and uncertain, due to the impending fear of the Corona pandemic.


Oh! This is the RJ, my girls are a big fan of"! He thought as his mind went back to the beautiful song. His twin daughters were about to celebrate their sixteenth birthday, this Sunday. ‘Sixteen years already! I wonder where the time flew! He resolved to spend this weekend in the company of his beloved family, after a long time. It was as if all of a sudden, he realized what he wanted from life!


The car made a way out of the traffic. The roads were finally free.’ So was his mind’, thought Rajat and smiled. THE PLANNING ‘Kartik & Kavya Shetty'. The nameplate rattled as he banged the front door angrily, on his way to Office. It had taken him and Kavya, quite some time to adjust to each other and also to this fast-paced Mumbai life. And now an unplanned pregnancy! But, it wasn't entirely Kavya's fault, right? They were in it together, literally!' He smiled sarcastically. "But Kartik, how can I go alone for Sonography today? He'd just mumbled some excuse about having a meeting at the office and left in a huff.


The Radio at the Office canteen was playing, ‘Kal Ho Na Ho' on, ‘Mid-day Melodies’.The mellifluous voice washed over him.

“Was it selfish of him, not to accompany Kavya?” After all, it's 'their' baby. He was stunned. It was the first time he had inadvertently addressed the unborn life as 'their baby' ‘If he starts now, he shall make it in time for the doctor's appointment’, he smiled and dialled Kavya’s number. THE DECISION Sarita would have almost missed the 11.55 am Local train today. The sweltering Mumbai heat and her hectic job as a nurse at the hospital were taking a toll on her health. The constant worry about her ageing parents and managing their expenses was nagging her. That was the sole reason, why she was dodging Gagan’s marriage proposal. She sat down and plugged in her earphone, just as ‘Kal Ho Na Ho ‘started playing on the local radio station. A thought struck her, all of a sudden. She too had a right to a happy life. She and Gagan can take care of her parents, after marriage too. She got down two stations before her usual stop. She had to meet him and tell Gagan her decision!!


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