Refusing the Apple of Eden

Arpita Bhattacharya posted under Daddy Day Lessons on 2020-06-21

The morning sun streamed through the curtains and caressed Nakul’s face. Nakul was awake but in bed, thinking hard. He had to decide. The continuous pressure made him angry but resilient. Nakul sat up. Later, while waiting for breakfast at the table, he searched the appointments section of The Times Of India... That evening... “Binni, please get me my glasses.” As Binni, his wife, was handing over his glasses, Nakul started his laptop. Concentrating, he started typing.. “Sir, this is to bring to your notice that Mr. Sushil Dhawan the Chief Manager- Operations,  has tried repeatedly to bribe me, by offering me a lucrative post in return  of favours, by signing documents,  which have been rejected by earlier office holders on account of discrepancy. I may mention here, that at the beginning of my career, without knowlwdge, I had signed a few documents which acted as an eye opener for me. Now, I am being threatened with dire consequences. I am ready to step down from my post and even quit the employment with immediate effect, as it is jeopardising my work . Please find the document photocopies attached which may come handy for cross examination purposes. I remain ... Nakul Chaudhary Manager Exports, XXX Thus ending the letter, he put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.  He felt relief, for he knew he had done what he could do at best. He remembered his father’s words,   “Beta, remember to stand up for what is right always; how hard it may seem at first. You will be at peace” Nakul’s eyes rested on the painting Binni, his wife had so enchantingly painted in oil- The hissing serpent in front of Adam and Eve, and the dilemma of the couple. __


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