Resurgence- A Transformation Saga

Roohi Bhargava posted under Carmine Short Stories on 2023-10-26

Ruhana Oberoi, a fashion designer by profession, sits at her desk, her gaze fixed on the window, but it's clear her thoughts are miles away. The furrowed lines on her forehead, the way her fingers drum nervously on the mahogany surface, and the distant look in her eyes all hint at a deep sense of distress. Her once-vibrant sketches now lay untouched, overshadowed by the weight of her career challenges. It's as if her entire world revolves around the relentless whirlwind of thoughts about her professional struggles, and she's trapped in an endless loop, unable to find a way out. In this moment, a stifling sense of inertia envelops her, as if life's crossroads have become veiled in an impenetrable mist of uncertainty. Every stride forward feels like an agonizing struggle through quicksand, each step impeded by the invisible shackles of indecision. She yearns for a mere glimpse of clarity to shatter this paralysing stillness, for she is adrift in the vast expanse of her own ambitions. Her dreams, once vivid sketches brought to life, now languish untouched on the canvas of her potential. The vibrant strokes of creativity that once flowed from her hands have withered, leaving her world devoid of color and vibrancy. The idea of becoming an entrepreneur and crafting her own fashion empire remains an elusive star in the distant night sky. Her aspirations are nothing but echo in the hollow chamber of her heart, fading into the silence of self-doubt. Ruhana has grown weary of the inertia that surrounds her. Her heart longs to breathe life into elegant designs and to carve her path in the world of fashion. Is this aspiration too audacious, she wonders? A heavy sigh escapes her lips as she grapples with the elusive path to realising her dreams. She labours diligently, yearning for the day when her efforts will bear fruit. She holds onto hope, knowing that her tireless commitment will someday yield the rewards she so ardently seeks. *** It’s a sunny day, Ruhana sits at her desk, a pencil poised over a blank sheet, attempting to breathe life into her designs. The weight of her dwindling hope tugs at her, yet her determination urges her to cling to the faint belief that brighter days await. She senses the need for relentless toil, and her readiness to embark on that journey emanates from her determined gaze. Amid this creative solitude, her phone's trill shatters the tranquillity. As she answers the call, disbelief paints her features. The words she hears dance like elusive butterflies, and a sudden jolt propels her from her chair. She springs to her feet, a rush of emotions and the urgency of confirmation surging through her every movement. Brimming with an overwhelming sense of joy and unwavering resolve to seize this opportunity, her emotions need no elaboration. The name "Elegance Edge" is synonymous with contemporary, stylish designs, making its mark in the fashion world. This renowned fashion brand is orchestrating a fashion show and has expressed a keen interest in a collaboration with her. The chance is golden, and she's determined to grasp it without a second thought. Consequences, though lurking in the shadows, are pushed aside in favour of her elation. She eagerly prepares for the upcoming meeting, for they have scheduled to convene in their office at 3 p.m. Ruhana finds herself doing a joyful dance, accompanied by a delighted chuckle that reflects her boundless enthusiasm. The fact that a prestigious fashion house has expressed interest in meeting with her and potentially offering her a position feels like nothing short of a miracle. Until the news arrived and enveloped her in its warmth, such an opportunity had never crossed her expansive imagination. This is the opportunity she has yearned for, and she is determined not to let it slip through her fingers. It has the potential to breathe new life into her creative work, infusing her designs with vibrancy and energy once more. *** Ruhana meticulously selects her finest designs, each one crafted with profound love and passion. Among them are some personal favourites she dreams of having in her own wardrobe. However, the demands of the moment call for her to shift her focus. She meticulously organises her work into a file and places it in her handbag, a stylish purple one, which holds a special place in her heart as the very first bag she ever treated herself to. Dressed in a formal ensemble consisting of an elegant black top, purple trousers, and a matching purple blazer, she opts for minimal makeup to ensure she's perfectly prepared for her upcoming meeting. *** Upon arriving at the Elegance Edge Fashion Hub, Ruhana is struck by the sheer beauty of the office. The building exudes elegance, and as she crosses the threshold, the glass door smoothly slides open, leaving her in awe of the moment. Stepping further into the building, she warmly greets the receptionist and informs her of her scheduled appointment with Ms. Sandhya, the proprietor of the office. The receptionist requests Ruhana to take a seat in the waiting area while she contacts her boss to confirm the meeting. Ruhana complies and settles into the lounge, feeling a mix of anxiety and apprehension. It's been quite some time since Ruhana embarked on a collaborative venture, and meeting with a well-established individual brings forth its own set of concerns. She yearns for a smooth and successful meeting, aspiring to be a valuable participant in this promising collaboration. A few minutes later, the receptionist guides her to Sandhya's office. Ruhana knocks on the door and enters the room. Sandhya's face lights up with a warm smile as she welcomes Ruhana and invites her to take a seat. Ruhana takes in her surroundings; the office is adorned in a sophisticated black and white theme, which resonates with Sandhya's aura of passion, reliability, and hard work. The room is further enhanced by a collection of paintings that enhance its ambiance. Ruhana is particularly drawn to an abstract painting that seems to embody all the qualities of a successful businessperson. "I created all these paintings. I have a keen interest in art beyond fashion," Sandhya reveals, her voice soft and clear. "Wow! I'm truly impressed. You're not only a fashion enthusiast but an artist as well," Ruhana praises her skills. "You're no less, Ruhana. I've read your fashion blogs and the poetry you write," Sandhya compliments her, leaving Ruhana in awe. "Ah, it's heartwarming to hear that, Sandhya. I had no idea people like you were reading my work. Thank you," Ruhana expresses her gratitude. "Your fashion blogs are quite insightful, Ruhana. Even when you're not designing, you're contributing valuable content. That's commendable," Sandhya remarks, sensing Ruhana's apprehension. "I'm delighted to hear that, Sandhya. It gives me the motivation to create fresh content. Perhaps, one piece centered around our conversation. What are your thoughts?" Ruhana proposes, and Sandhya readily agrees. Over the next hour, the two women brainstorm, discuss, and gain insights into each other's perspectives. While Sandhya already has a sense of Ruhana's fashion prowess, she is keen to grasp her comprehensive perspective on the entire business endeavor. Ruhana feels optimistic about the collaboration, as she anticipates contributing ideas, designing garments, and even selecting models for the upcoming fashion show. She is fully aware that this partnership has the potential to reignite the fame she once enjoyed. Ultimately, they decide to solidify their agreement and shake hands. Ruhana and Sandhya exchange warm embraces and offer good wishes. Ruhana is deeply grateful to Sandhya, though Sandhya holds a different view. In her eyes, she is collaborating with one of the fashion industry's best, and there's no denying that. The two women decide to commence their work the following Monday, marking a significant step forward that fills Ruhana with joy. *** Returning home, Ruhana felt a sense of contentment today. Eager to replenish her groceries and art supplies, she decided to make a stop at the supermarket. She needed new pencils, pens, glitter pens, and sketch pens. After enduring a painful setback and betrayal from a well-known company, she spiralled into depression, causing her creative spark to dwindle. The hiatus had been particularly hard on her, causing the once-vibrant shades of love and passion for her work to fade. Today marked a turning point as she experienced a newfound sense of vitality, all thanks to a single phone call. She harboured hopes that this opportunity would empower her to ascend to the top and establish her very own business. *** Several days have passed. Ruhana has begun collaborating with Sandhya to create ethnic designs for an upcoming fashion show. On a pleasant day, Ruhana visits the Elegance Edge Fashion Hub and finds herself in Sandhya's office. Lost in her thoughts, she snaps out of it when Sandhya speaks. "Ruhana, is everything okay?" Sandhya inquires. Ruhana replies, "Yeah, Sandhya. I am fine. I was just wondering about the designs. Are they okay?" She's uncertain about her work. Sandhya reassures her, "Ruhana, don't doubt yourself. As I mentioned before, your designs are beautiful, especially the ethnic ones. I'm going to showcase them in our show. Let's work on them together." She gazes at the file Ruhana has been holding. Ruhana is overwhelmed with gratitude. She has been uncertain about her own work, but this lady has been a genuine source of encouragement. She expresses her gratitude to Sandhya, and the two ladies return to their work. *** A number of days go by. It's a significant day for Ruhana – it's the evening of the Fashion Show. Ruhana's ethnic designs are being showcased, and she's feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. She is uncertain about how people will react and how her colleagues will receive her designs. She remains somewhat unsure. She waits with her group of models backstage, checking her phone, and receives a message from Sandhya asking to meet her in the lobby. Ruhana tells the girls in her group to go to the stage when their name is called, assuring them she'll join them shortly. The girls agree, and Ruhana heads off to meet Sandhya. *** Ruhana steps into the lobby in search of Sandhya and spots her heading toward the backstage area. She catches up to Sandhya and gently grasps her hands, inquiring why she urgently called for her. A visibly distressed Sandhya shares the unsettling news that Aditi, one of their scheduled showstoppers, has been involved in an accident. They now require a replacement for the showstopper role, specifically for the A-line segment. Ruhana becomes apprehensive and proposes that they assign the role to Kriti, who is also showcasing the ethnic designs. However, Sandhya intervenes and strongly recommends that Ruhana herself take on the role of the showstopper. Ruhana is taken aback by the unexpected suggestion. "No, Sandhya, I... I can't," Ruhana stammers. "Ruhana, please, you're my last hope. I can't place my trust in anyone else," Sandhya implores. "It's been so long since I last walked the runway, Sandhya," Ruhana looks apprehensive. "You excel at everything you undertake, Ruhana. Please, be the showstopper. You'll be compensated accordingly," Sandhya pleads. After considerable reluctance, Ruhana finally agrees. Sandhya embraces her with excitement and departs from the area, leaving Ruhana feeling anxious. She doesn't want to mar this fashion show for Sandhya or for herself. Lost in her thoughts, she begins to make her way back to her group but accidentally collides with someone. *** A young man approaches her just in time to steady her before she stumbles. Overwhelmed by fear, she shuts her eyes briefly and, upon opening them, realizes someone has a firm grip on her. It's a young man, seemingly around her age, who's holding her. He reassures her and then steps away. Grateful, she thanks him, but he continues to gaze at her. "Thank you... may I know your name?" she inquires, a touch reluctantly. "I'm Vineet Malhotra, and I'm a fashion enthusiast as well," he introduces himself. "Nice to meet you, Vineet. I'm Ruhana, one of the collaborators for this show. But, if you don't mind, may I excuse myself? I'm in a hurry," she politely requests. "Ruhana, what a lovely name. I'm certain you'll excel at everything Sandhya has assigned you," Vineet beams at Ruhana. "Sandhya? You know her?" She's surprised to hear Sandhya's name from him. "She's a close friend. I overheard your conversation. I also know you're nervous. But remember, you can't succeed until you try, am I right?" Vineet says, casting an encouraging glance at Ruhana, who ponders his words. "You can't hold back, thinking you won't benefit yourself or others. You have to try. Much like gold must endure the flames to become a diamond, Ruhana, you have to bring about that golden transformation yourself," Vineet encourages. Ruhana is genuinely touched by his kindness and positivity. She finds herself gazing at him in speechless appreciation, but he continues to smile. She longs to respond but struggles to find the right words. Vineet, with a warm smile, glances at her. "Never doubt yourself. You can always achieve what you once had. Have faith in yourself," Vineet advises. "You're right, Vineet. I do need to trust myself. Only then can I accomplish all I aspire to. Thank you," she smiles at him. With a smile, Vineet shakes her hand and departs. Ruhana feels rejuvenated and positively charged. He has reminded her of a crucial lesson she had forgotten – the importance of perseverance. She has to keep trying; one day, she'll rise to the top again. She is determined to do so. *** Ruhana is brimming with newfound confidence, and before long, it's her moment to grace the runway. The experience is entirely novel for her, and as she strides onto the ramp, any remnants of anxiety swiftly dissipate. With a resolute and graceful gait, she captures the audience's attention, and the fashion show concludes on a jubilant note. As she had hoped, Sandhya extended an invitation to collaborate with her, and several fashion houses sought her expertise.  It's almost unbelievable – in a remarkably short period, Ruhana has risen from obscurity to become one of the top 10 figures in the fashion industry. *** Over the course of two years, the passage of time measured in days, months, and slowly progressing into years, Ruhana's life transformed. She emerged as the proprietor of Ruhana's Couture Galaxy, finally reclaiming the status she had lost three years prior. During a gruelling eight-month period, Ruhana grappled with depression, her passion, tolerance, and patience unravelling. Her every attempt seemed to be met with failure, until she encountered Sandhya and later, Vineet. Vineet!  The name Vineet Malhotra had etched itself into her memory and heart, their meeting occurring on the day of the fashion show. He had offered unwavering support and bolstered her confidence, an indelible mark on her life. Once the fashion show had concluded, Ruhana searched for him in vain, left wondering if his purpose had been solely to reignite her self-belief and offer that crucial push. Without the man who had rekindled her hope, her journey to her current position would have remained unattainable. Two years have come and gone since their meeting. Each day, she awakens with the hope of encountering him once more. She attributes her regained respect, love, and financial success to him. His influence had instigated her to toil tirelessly and evolve into the fashion luminary she now is. Ruhana has also ventured into lecturing on fashion, exclusively through invitations, adding another accomplishment to her repertoire. *** It’s a fine day. On this splendid day, Ruhana finds herself in her office, engrossed in the creative process of designing. With an upcoming meeting scheduled with a prominent fashion house, she is determined to present her finest creations. While she has successfully finalised a set of designs, some others still require meticulous refinement, keeping her fully occupied.  As she concentrates on perfecting a saree design, there's a gentle knock on her office door. She grants permission for the person to enter, all the while immersing herself in the intricate details of her current design project. Sandhya pays a visit to Ruhana's office, where they are set to proceed with the same business deal as partners. Taking her place across from Ruhana, Sandhya observes her engrossed in her work. Ten minutes later, Ruhana glances up, surprised to find Sandhya seated before her, offering a warm smile. "Ruhana, you're incredible. You were so deeply engrossed in your work that you didn't even notice when I arrived. Let me have a look at what you're creating," Sandhya inquires as she pulls the design pad closer. "Wow! This is exquisite. Where do you come up with such ideas?" Sandhya is genuinely amazed by Ruhana's work. "Someone advised me to keep pushing myself, so that's what I've been doing. I'm grateful to be back where I was three years ago," Ruhana proudly shares, her hard work evident in her accomplishments. "I had no doubt you'd get there. Anyway, let's not delay. Mr. Abhinav Sinha is known for his punctuality," Sandhya remarks. Ruhana concurs, neatly organising her designs into a folder, and the two women exit the office to attend the scheduled meeting. *** Several more days elapse. Ruhana finds herself in her boutique, diligently overseeing the orders they've received. Indeed, Ruhana caters to a clientele that includes weddings, as well as crafting clothing for esteemed brands, celebrities, and business magnates. Furthermore, she orchestrates an annual fashion spectacle under the banner of her own creation, Ruhana’s Couture Galaxy. Recently, she embarked on a collaborative venture with Sandhya, and the current workload is dedicated to this joint project. After meticulously reviewing every detail, Ruhana retreats to her office and exhales deeply. Simultaneously, her manager, Shilpa, discreetly taps on the door, to which Ruhana extends an invitation for her to enter. Shilpa greets her with a smile and extends a file towards Ruhana.  "Ruhana ma’am, here is the blueprint for our annual fashion show. You mentioned that we'll be unveiling the summer collection for kids and the line of ethnic designer lehengas during the event. Additionally, Sandhya expressed her interest in collaborating with us. So, I've highlighted the key elements aligned with your vision, and the checklist of prerequisites is prepared," Shilpa updates Ruhana. "That's wonderful, Shilpa! I'll review it. Could you also please touch base with Simran? Verify the details, and I'll give my approval," Ruhana responds with enthusiasm to her manager. "Of course, ma'am! I'll take care of that," Shilpa replies before exiting the room. Ruhana lets out a deep sigh as she begins to delve into the file Shilpa had left for her just moments ago. She meticulously examines the list of prerequisites and assigns some tasks to herself, unwilling to delegate everything to her team. Her passion for design remains unwavering, and she infuses her creations with love and dedication. Moreover, she invites her team to critique her work and provide feedback, recognizing the value of continuous improvement. As she finalizes her self-assigned tasks, her thoughts inevitably drift back to the one person who has occupied her mind for the past two years: Vineet. She still eagerly awaits his return, but there are no signs of his presence. Even Sandhya, whom she confided in, can offer no insights, mentioning that he is based in London. Ruhana attempted to locate him on social media but was unsuccessful. She has yet to express her gratitude to him for the motivation he provided, for helping her discover her self-worth, and for instilling hope that she could flourish in her craft. "Vineet! Where are you? Why do you remain an enigmatic presence? At times, I sense that you might be a providential messenger, yet, I yearn to meet you. I want to express my gratitude; you guided me onto the right path, Vineet," Ruhana murmurs while gazing at a sketch – a portrayal of Vineet, a vivid memory from their initial encounter.  Her heart aches at the thought of not having met him, which is why she keeps the sketch safely tucked away in her drawer, holding onto the hope that one day they will cross paths, and she can personally thank him for the transformation he sparked within her. *** Several days go by, and finally, the long-awaited day of the fashion show dawns. Ruhana is a whirlwind of activity, meticulously ensuring that everything is in perfect order, and all the segments are flawlessly prepared. She encounters Sandhya, confirming that everything aligns with her vision. With a sense of elation, she enters the auditorium, delighted to see a diverse crowd in attendance, including colleagues from the fashion industry, her friends, and numerous lucky individuals who have secured exclusive tickets for the show. Overjoyed, she signals the host to commence the show promptly, eager to avoid any potential delays or disruptions from critical spectators. As it turns out, the host is a close friend of Ruhana's, who graciously invites her to introduce the audience to the evening's participants and what they can anticipate. Ruhana takes hold of the microphone, initiating the proceedings with a formal introduction. She shares her vision and is met with a chorus of appreciative applause. Encouraging the audience to relish the forthcoming spectacle, she gracefully exits the stage. Just as she is about to depart, her attention is captivated by a familiar face in the crowd. Struggling to focus, a warm smile graces her face. It's Vineet! Indeed, she's just caught sight of Vineet within the audience. After a two-year-long anticipation, she's at last laid eyes on him. This time, she's resolute in her determination to approach him and express her gratitude for the remarkable impact his efforts have had on her life. *** The fashion show commences promptly, and shortly thereafter, it's the owner's turn to grace the runway and provide the audience with insights about the various designs featured in the show. Ruhana takes the microphone and engages in a 30-minute question-and-answer session with the members of the media in attendance. The event concludes on a positive and cheerful note as Ruhana expresses her gratitude to everyone, and they gradually exit the venue. Ruhana notices Vineet as he's leaving the hall. She calls out his name, and he pauses in his tracks. With excitement, she approaches him, knowing that this will be their first conversation. She had longed to meet Vineet for quite some time, and today her wish has come true. Vineet turns around, grinning warmly. She extends an invitation for dinner, and he promptly accepts, understanding that she won't let him slip away now that she has caught his attention. Together, they head to the renowned Caffeine Haven café, where Ruhana orders two cappuccinos along with some garlic bread and Italian pasta, which they both happen to adore. Ruhana looks at Vineet and poses her initial question. "Why do you keep leaving without meeting me? We first crossed paths at Sandhya's show. Do you recall?" She gazes at him, expecting an answer. "You remembered?" he asks, surprised that she recollects him. "I could never forget you, Vineet. You, your words, and your positive energy have been instrumental in my journey. I'm here now, organizing fashion shows for my own brand," she says with a smile. "Since then, I've been searching for you, eagerly waiting. You played a significant role in shaping my career, Vineet, and to some extent, you've transformed me as well," she admits, locking her eyes with his. "I didn't do much, Ms. Ruhana. I've been following your progress for a while, and when you disappeared from social media, I learned that you were assisting Sandhya," Vineet reveals. "You came into my life like an angel, Vineet. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today," Ruhana responds tenderly. "That's very kind of you, Ruhana. All you needed to do was rekindle your spirit and start anew. Since you established your fashion house, I've been an avid follower," he shares, bringing joy to Ruhana. "Really? I'm thrilled to hear that, Vineet. Thank you so much. You're incredible; you know how to inspire and transform others, and I've been longing to meet you. Today, that wish has come true," Ruhana says, her smile never leaving her face. "Then, let's take a step further," Vineet suggests, leaving her in awe. "I'd love to work with you, Ms. Ruhana. You're among the top 10 fashion industry leaders. Would you be interested in a collaboration?" Vineet asks politely. "Yes, absolutely! At least I'll have my inspiration right in front of me," Ruhana responds with a playful smile. "You're an inspiration, Ruhana. You've worked hard to achieve this remarkable career. It's all your hard work, but I'm grateful that you feel this way. I'll always be here," Vineet replies respectfully. "You're an angel to me, Vineet. I'm grateful to begin a new relationship with you. This will be a long-lasting one, I'm sure!" Ruhana says. They shake hands, marking the beginning of a beautiful partnership.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!