Revenge Taken

Amrita Mallik posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-20

“Give me a good reason as to why should I have left them at the mercy of the blind justice of our country?” sharply retorted Connie. It was 15th of August. The place was the city jail. Connie was to be hanged for killing the chief minister, the home minister and the education minister. It was surprising that Connie had left behind cues to trace her. She was not afraid to die. Moreover, she was having a good reputation among the other convicts for being kind and generous. Her calmness and sobriety were all the more bewildering. It was her last wish that she would tell her story to the world. Arrangements were taken accordingly. And now she was addressing the people over the mic. She came from a small village where there were neither roads nor a proper school. Even after repeatedly conveying their problems to the higher authorities they had bluntly turned them away, as if shooing away a barking dog. The school was the perfect adda of the son of the cunning and heinous zamindar. Alcohol, loud music, obscene language had made living a hell for the ordinary. The father-son duo trapped the men with alcohol, and also robbed the women of their self-respect. Their house was infamous for every evil that could be done under the sun. The zamindar used all his sources and links to win the elections. The power made him more venomous than ever. To celebrate his win he invited many guests, out of them were the state’s CM and the education minister. They would stay in his house for some days. And entertainment, for such men was never complete without young chicks! “Do you remember how we read stories in our childhood where the fox convinced the animals for the lion’s everyday meal? Later, a rabbit tricked him into downfall.” Connie had gone out of town with her chacha for their family business of homemade spices. On returning she heard about the ruthless massacre of many girls. She even witnessed the dreadful condition of her own sister. The bubbly and jovial chatterbox was silently sitting in a dark corner. Even the parents had lost their voices. That stormy night amidst rumbling thunder and flashing lightning Connie reached the zamindar’s house with a scythe in one hand and their homemade red chilli powder. Several bodies lay outside as she made her way to the main entrance. The shock and fear were etched in their faces. Those drunkards were waiting for their scapegoat. The crunchy and savoury fritters along with their alcohol were not enough.  Without giving them an iota of what she was about to do, she slit them apart and poured the red chilli powder on their wounds. The thunder hollered at the tight time. Connie laughed hysterically with her bloodshot eyes as the monsters were slithering and writhing in pain. The revenge was accomplished. The judge had to liberate her. “Only such brave women can annihilate the monstrosity from the society.” ______________________________


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