Romance of the Fireflies

Sonal Singh posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-12

When in joyous luminescence they dance, gyrating to the katydid’s cry They flit and float, darting about happily in the night Under the gazillions of stars smiling and twinkling merrily in the sky The moonbeams illuminate the tale of their love that is willful, yet shy Showing off their sinuous movements, their yearning, their plight When in joyous luminescence they dance, gyrating to the katydid’s cry Transfixed I watch this romance of the fireflies, unwilling to intrude or pry As they cavort and frolic in the beauteous meadow whilst in flight Under the gazillions of stars smiling and twinkling merrily in the sky Their ardour rouses denizens to orchestrate their union, it does aye They serenade them with night melodies, making them blush bright When in joyous luminescence they dance, gyrating to the katydid’s cry The entire lea buzzes with music, as they sway together languid yet spry Enamoured in their fervour they take passion to a new height Under the gazillions of stars smiling and twinkling merrily in the sky The night resonates, it sighs as the stars above wink and say, “O my.” I watch this pastoral romance, willing away the moon and its light When in joyous luminescence they dance, gyrating to the katydid’s cry Under the gazillions of stars smiling and twinkling merrily in the sky ____ For more of such content, follow us: