Romantic Cruise Ride

Kavitha Kandaswamy posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-15 on 2020-01-06

The agonising aftershave, tingling her nerves. She turned to face him, he was too close, a slight bow and he could perfectly kiss her. “This isn’t right, I should move away”, the thought makes her stumble. He catches her by the hip, both of them falter and fall on to the deck of the boat, in a doused embrace. A gust of cold air, the intensity in his eyes, making her lower her eyelids slowly and he lowers his head. The soft brush of lips at first, then the slow movements, leading to an eruption of emotions inside her, churning the inner core and leaning in for more…a river current rocks the boat. With a jerk and fear of tripping into the water, she wakes up to find no boat, no mountain, and no water. “What a weird dream. Casting off the blanket, reluctantly getting up from the cosy bed, hitting the bathroom, and getting ready for the day to unfold. Her regular day had struggles with learning a new language, job hunts, cooking, cleaning up the house, and other chores.  A young pop-star crooning on YouTube, her brain reminds her of the face and kiss, that was surreal. While cooking lunch, once again, drawn to the face in her dreams, burns her food. Frustrated, disposes all of it into the trash, dresses and decides to take a walk in the neighbourhood. Stepping out in the cold weather, clutching her jacket closer, she walks on those empty lanes. She gets a call on her mobile, an unknown number, after debating in her mind, picks the call. A lady answers, in a language not too easy for her to understand.  She replies, “Could you please speak in English?”  “Yeah, this call is regarding the contest, you applied at Christmas time.” “Yeah. I remember, at the central mall.”  “You have won a free cruise ride. You need to come to our office. We have sent a text message to your number and email.” “OK, Thank you.” Looking at the SMS wonders, “Should I go and find out or is it a prank call? I have nothing to lose. What the heck, I need some share of happiness.  **** She is asked to wait, no one there, except her. “Am I doing the right thing?  That’s when she sees him sitting right in the centre of the hall, with an air and a constant stare at her. A lady comes and talks to her, excusing herself, she says, “English, please.” After 45 minutes, coming out of the room thinking, “Who wants this shitty thing. I am not doing it. He, his attitude and his aftershave….!!” A voice from behind stops her, “Hello, if you are not coming, let me know, I can take my girlfriend”, said he with a wink and walked away. “How dare he? Wait, I will make it hell for you.”  A ‘Romantic River Cruise’ - the cruise will be on a scenic route, surrounded by mountains in the distance. ______ ______