Samantha's tale

She, Samantha, fought with all, young, and old. In her house, the crockery, shook with terror, till knocked out cold. The neighbors shook their heads sadly. But she went on cursing badly. Her only pet, the cat, all the swearing made her yawn. The old stool was its resting place till next dawn.  In the fury of shouts and swears, the old lady lost her hearing and head. Taking the cat by its ear, the lady carried it down the stairs and out of the gate. Then forgetting what she was going to do, she turned right and crossed a house or two. Then it dawned, something's not right, so she looked for an old man to woo. Now, there was an old man, taking a stroll, he too was a deemed fool. As they walked side by side, the rain fell and they began to drool. The old man woke early, being stung by a bee on his neck. He howled and cried, like a child, without break. The old lady went on snoring, dreaming of her favourite vegetables, cakes and ale. The twittering of birds awoke her, her partner was looking pale. It was nearly ten, when she suddenly remembered her dwelling. The man had in his pocket just a few shillings. And so, she led the way to her home, where the poor cat awaited her return. As soon as she saw the feline , obedient and sorry, what was the need of an old man, and so there was a rerun. Only this time, instead of the cat, it was the old man’s turn. The poor fool brushed away his tears, his heart did wonder.  He turned the door handle, and ran like a wild gander. The old lady cleaned and scrubbed her home till it sparkled and shone. All the work completed, she hummed  and honed. When twilight approached, she gave a yawn. The pet felt pampered, now that intruder was gone. The next morn, with the rising sun, she went to have a bath . Next, she decided to cook a meal, but she had forgotten to buy grocery from the mart. So she left the house again, but none's heard of her again.  You may come across a cat with a far away stare, peeping from one of the window sills,  maybe waiting for her mistress again. If any would care to call the vet, maybe the cat will get some attention again. Maybe it will again downpour on a date.  The rains will lead some wanderer to visit the house for shelter and bread.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!