
Babita Kejriwal posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

Sanjana was a chirpy eight-year old girl full of smiles and laughter. Her best friends were butterflies; she loved to play hide and seek with them. They hid behind flowers, concealing their multi- colored hues for a while and then suddenly appearing out of nowhere, causing her to squeal in delight. The garden where she played, came alive with her enthusiasm, fun and giggles. The trees swayed to her tune, the flowers danced with joy and many birds of different colors also joined in with their beautiful, soulful melodies. 

Even the clouds played peek-a-boo with her, all this was part of her daily curriculum. Whenever she wanted to miss school, she instructed the clouds to start a downpour. Amidst cries of missing school and exams by her siblings, Raghav and Rhea, she inwardly smiled, happy with her own secrets of this happy and abundant universe. The days she felt cold, she called out to the sun to wrap her in a warm embrace with its rays, rejuvenating her completely.  She used to think of life as a fun-filled journey of laughter and joy and that is how life reverberated to her. She developed an understanding early in life that by her thoughts, she could create whatever magic and miracles she wanted as the universe was her best friend. Even squirrels and other animals used to enjoy prancing and running with her in glee filling her with more joy.  This was Sanjana's own little beautiful world full of love, amusement, giggles and chuckles and no one had the ability to intrude in it!


