Satyameva Jayate

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-35 on 2021-11-23

“My honour, I committed no crime It was my bad luck that time I reached the place of shooting As I heard the sound of firing”

A weeping Joseph pleaded at the Court.  He was arrested as a suspect in the murder case of business tycoon, Mr. Ladhani. Like many oranges laden to a mango tree, multiple versions of the story became the talk of the town. The idio-psychopaths, who are owners of their versions of the case, can never be calmed. In the best interest of self and those people, it is best to ignore them. Just like a dripping bladder, the court-room was loaded to hear the true version of the suspect, Mr. Joseph. The judge witnessed a visibly trembling Joseph. He calmly said, “In all my years of experience as a Judge, I have seen every convict defending self. Just remember, once you are proved guilty, you will serve for life. Do you have a lawyer or would you want us to do so?” A sobbing Joseph found some solace in the judge’s words. Since he was offered an option, he chose to put on record the tapestry of events that followed on the dreadful day.

I was sleeping in the adjacent room At the crack of the dawn, I heard gun-shots and then a bike zoom Stumped, I ran and found someone struggling at the rear It was confirmed he was Mr. Ladhani, as I went near Why would I do this? I was faithful for years I fear God, I honestly swear.

The courtroom buzzed in silence. He continued, “Puzzled over his presence at that place, I froze. I picked the pistol lying beside the corpse in ignorance. Next moment, the police arrived as if present from long before the heinous crime occurred. They arrested me red-handed with the murder weapon. But I plead innocence, my honour.” The judge could judge the righteousness of the falsely framed. The years of experience made him believe Joseph’s story. But, his designation mandated solid proofs over airy emotions. Also, the prosecuting lawyer was hell bent to get judgment in his favour, and summon Joseph behind bars. The judge called for the final representation before delivering a judgment. Joseph fingered his beads and said the second part of Hail Mary. He asked in a stoic tone,

This murder was planned move without a doubt Two questions that baffled me throughout Why did Mr. Ladhani sleep in the servant’s quarters’ that day? How did police reach within a few minutes, when police station was far away?

The court was flummoxed. These were pertinent questions. The judge was convinced, too.  The judge appointed a special team for investigation. Mr. Ladhani’s nephew had hatched the plan as revenge against familial discord. An innocent Joseph walked free. Teary-eyed, he fell on his knees and said,

Your honour, I owe you this life You believed me, my strife My freedom reinstates the belief in truth Our judiciary cares for all - old and youth

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