Self Love

Shilpa Pandya posted under PenMuse-27 Poetry on 2021-02-19

I love myself, no matter what. God created me, I am his child, Almighty bestowed his blessings on me. He gifted me life, feelings and emotions, With pleasure, relish his boon with glee. I love myself, no matter what. Twinkling star of my father's eye, My mother nurtured me with delight. Enlightened by the esteemed mentors, Assimilate life's lesson in siblings fight. I love myself, no matter what. Society teased me for dark skin, Futile relationship, I had not allowed. Size of my waist mattered the most, But, I vowed to stand out of the crowd. I love myself, no matter what. Positivity and love filled in my heart, Sprung out from the cocoon and turned into a butterfly. Fed my soul with confidence and happiness, Self-love is the key to survive and dignify.


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