Sepia-Tinted Memories

Priya Washikar posted under PenMuse-46 Poetry on 2022-11-14

My heart still lies somewhere in the era gone by
When every expression was so unadulterated and pure
The precious photos embedded in the frayed albums 
Each lucid emotion was etched on the pages of time

When every expression was so unadulterated and pure
Genial smiles, oiled plaits, crisp shirts and frilled frocks
Those pictures were candid and truly unfiltered 
Where black and white encompassed the hues of eternity

The precious photos embedded in the frayed albums 
The ebullient faces smiling with gay abandon 
Today these moments are trapped in the uber cool gadgets 
Oh! Aren’t we the slaves of technology ?

Each lucid emotion was etched on the pages of time
All joys and sorrows painted on the canvas  called life
Nothing can beat the nostalgia of these sepia tinted memories
The naivety in those snapshots is what my soul yearns for!


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