
Batool Idrish posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-16

That walk up the hills offered a breathtaking view A vantage point from where ours eyes beheld,  A tiny hamlet in the palms of a  golden dale. Misty curtained sloping hills our eyes feasted on. And then to our delight, a host of warblers  Wandered across the burnished evening skies. A babbling brook mirrored the changing hued sky. We paused and took a breath after the steep climb. And followed the meandering route uphill Right at the bend was a sharp precipice Which we'd missed by inches. Serendipity! Yet, that thought of what might have been stayed for a while. It was as if someone had  guided us away  As if by holding our hands, gently pulling us  Into a shamrock green meadowy expanse Dazed we were, reeling from the thought of a steep fall. Our eyes turned away from scenic beauty, We saw neither the sparkle of fireflies Above purple iris beds, nor dragonflies Bobbing in the soft breeze above Queens Anne's Lace.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!