Shaku the Tussle Between Iyer and Alex

Priyanka Sabharwal posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-62 on 2024-04-17

Shaku! Shaku! I am back and a voice has started calling. You son of a _? Shaku, Shaku I am back. Where are you? She is my wife, you moron.         Shaku smiled listening to the war of words between the two. Two distinct smells wafted in the kitchen. One of filter coffee and another of masala chai. Shakuntala poured tea into a mug, coffee in a tumbler and some filter coffee in an earthen pot and put it in the kitchen windowsill. You are a darling Shaku. "I love you," a voice said and started sipping from the bowl. Shaku smiled, moved towards the verandah, and placed the tray on the table. I will wriggle his next someday. Mr. Iyer said in an angry tone. I can do the same, said the voice from the window.   Shaku alias Shakuntala started laughing listening to the tussle between the two. One was her husband Mr. Shriram Iyer, and the other was Alex (her talking Parrot). He dots on Shakuntala like Mr. Iyer and her true disciple which irritates Iyer. Ten years ago, Shakuntala rescued him from the wild dogs when he lay injured in the adjoining park. She brought him home, tended to his wounds and took loving care of him. One day both Iyer and Shakuntala were surprised to hear a voice calling Shaku, Shaku, my darling. It was the day Alex shared Shakuntala with Iyer and a tussle started between them. Shakuntala and Mr. Iyer’s bond was made in heaven and solemnized by Alex. Both husband and wife were as different as chalk and cheese. Shakuntala though belongs to a Punjabi family, but her taste, nature and dressing was totally of a South Indian. She loves filter coffee, south Indian cuisines. Loves wearing flower braids in her hair. She loves dressing in a saree and a fluent Tamil speaker. A Bharatnatyam dancer and listens to classical music. Mr. Iyer though belongs to a Tamilian family. He was a hard-core Punjabi in his taste and nature. He adores and swears by masala chai. His mornings start and the night ends with it. He loves Punjabi food chole Batture, masala bhindi, rajma chawal Gajjar ka halwa, mutton. He enjoys the serene and peaceful atmosphere of a Gurdwara and a fluent Punjabi speaker. He loves his glass of whisky. Now Alex is a cusp of both Punjabi and Tamil culture. An avid drinker of filter coffee like Shaku and whisky like Mr. Iyer. Alex recited poetry on Shaku when he had whisky Shaku queen of my heart My hot and sexy filter coffee Your hair is like silk I love you darling Iyer recited these lines for Shaku on their anniversary and the blabbermouth Alex learned it by heart. Now every time two drops of whisky went inside him; he starts reciting it. Iyer wants to murder him but for Shaku’s sake, he tolerates Alex. Iyer loves it when Alex flirts with Shaku.