She Lives in The Woods

Andy was nervous. Though he knew the roads well, the fog had blurred his vision. Thankfully, the van's headlights and wipers came to his rescue. But that was not the only reason why he had the headlights on. Bella was waiting for him. Andy had met Bella in the woods during a small trip. He was always attracted to the forest, but now he had another reason to visit it. Although he wanted to meet her daily, his responsibilities limited him to weekly visits. Nevertheless, Bella would be happy to see him as much as he was. He always kept his promise. He was not a morning person, but Bella's love had made him to wake up even on a Sunday morning. He cooked a special chicken gravy for her. Bella loved gifts but not roses or chocolates. She loved pizza, large size, although she hardly ate any of it, yet Andy always bought one for her. Today was no different.  Andy drove into the woods. He was captivated by the mesmerizing view of the nature as he peeked through the open window. He wanted to get down and capture the moment, but he didn't want to be late. She would be upset if he didn't show up in time. Andy reached his destination on time. He switched off the headlights and then again switched them on, twice. This was the signal of his arrival for Bella. She would always show up on seeing the flickering lights.  Today something was amiss. Bella didn't show up. His heart skipped a beat. He switched off the engine and got off the van.  "Bella!!!" He called out.  The wind whistled, leaves rustled. He was calm on the outside, but a storm stirred within him. His mind was racing at the speed of light, anxiety killing him. Where was Bella? Did she leave him? Did she meet someone else more promising than him? Was she mad at him?  He knew that she was moody, but would she betray him? Only Bella could solve his dilemma. All he needed to do was, find her. But where, he didn't know. He decided to explore deeper into the woods. He knew it was risky, but he plodded on. He walked on the unpaved road, in between the trees while looking out for Bella, calling her name. He had faith that she would respond or give him a signal. After hours of walking, he gave up and returned where he had parked his van. Something caught his eye. Someone had stolen his pizza, leaving the crumbs behind. He followed the trail in rage. What laid in front of him, thrilled him. There she was. His Bella. Their eyes met. Slowly, she approached him. She had a surprise for him. Tugging at his sleeves, she asked him to follow her. He was delighted with her surprise. Bella had given birth to five kittens who were sleeping on the pizza box. He ran back to his van and brought the cooked meal for Bella and her kittens. Andy realized that it was time to break his promise. It was time to take them home. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!