Silent Lullaby

Debashree Basak posted under PenMuse-46 Poetry on 2022-11-09

Unvoiced words tether to tumultuous silence Melancholic emotions enshroud my soul Crestfallen heart still yearns for your presence Pursued by disgruntled maternal feelings Melancholic emotions enshroud my soul Bustling with dreadful aisles of unuttered feelings Nurturing my void, smothering my womb Ravaged by somber hues of a bleeding heart Crestfallen heart still yearns for your presence Pine to be caressed by the dazzling days of yore Muffled crooning echoes deep, glistening my core Still unblemished despite being put to sleep Pursued by disgruntled maternal feelings I succumb, humming a silent lullaby Bedraggled memoir put to rest Buried ‘neath unfulfilled promises to motherhood.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!