
Kirtika Srivastava posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-25

"Renee! Here's your milk". "Mom, I can't drink.  it's Eww". - said Renee while making faces. "Didn't I tell you that milk makes you fair.” “But I don't want to be fair."– Renee answered, crossly. "You don't want to look pretty"? Eleven years old Renee was answerless. She squeezed her eyes and gulped the milk. "Would they make me act Snow-white for the play, then?" - Renee asked, wiping the milk stain from her lips. "Snow-White? For school play?"  "Yes, mom. Drama Teacher said; I act nice but I don't look like Snow-White. So, she gave me a dwarf's role. She should give me a good reason for this rejection”. “Yes, because Snow-white was fair and they needed a perfect suit for the role. You should stay happy with the role you got.” This conversation is still alive in Renee's memory. She is so grateful for whatever she has today. "Thank god! I didn't take my mom's advice so seriously." she thought, packing up herself for the day. Being bound by the societal norms, it wasn't her mistake though. After graduating from a Drama School, Renee opened her Acting Class and started grooming the students with all passion and honesty.  After today’s class ended, she came home.  Mama! Renee's daughter came running to her. Yes, she is the mother of nine years old and Racy has gotten all her looks and features from her mother.  "She too is dusky like you. I wanted her to resemble her father". – Renee's mom comments most of the days. As usual, Racy's father becomes furious over his Mother-in-law's remark, but he keeps mum for Renee's sake. "Did you finish your milk?" – She asked Racy, holding her face. "No Mama, I couldn't. It's Eww". – Racy said as she looked like younger Renee. But Dear, haven't I told you that milk makes you stronger? Racy nodded her head in affirmation and started drinking.  “Mama! I am acting in a play for the Annual Day.”  Wow! Which play? A Princess Play.  Amazing! what role are you playing?  Oh! I am the princess. – she chirped with happiness and gave a rainbow-colored envelope to her mother. It's the invitation from the school – Renee started reading it… "Dear Parents! We have been trying to teach our kids that "Beauty lies within". But failed in teaching them, self-worth. This Annual Day, we are celebrating the theme - "Royal Princess Gala". And yes, this time it's not Snow-White. Our students would take you on a ride to the Brown Princess, Moana's world!". Eagerly waiting for your gracious presence. St. Martha's School.


"I am the brown Princess Moana! Come to my boat, let's sail through the sea." – Racy delivered her dialogue with a floral tiara on her head".  Renee sitting among the audience felt a kind of relief inside. As something which kept her hanging to the cliff-edge has finally pulled her up. She could feel herself breathing now. _______________________________


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