So Now the Winter Comes 

Arupam Maity posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-21

The void is painted black with a rustic wind  It’s the white moon that drops the ice grains Edges of the grass are too reluctant to hold them on tip And the stream of cold reverts back to the queen of snow Walls of wood were hidden behind the cloud Groups of men and women dragged them to fore Thus the huts, the houses and the cities are built elsewhere As the grannies sit beside the fireplaces with the children and the fairy tales  The couples would try to find the warmth on bed under the wooly blanket Hey dear, have you seen the people on streets under any winter dress I doubt it can't be as they are the helpless and equally common persons Fire remains always their best friend and they are devoid of all those glittery  All the nicest things of life are ever illusive to these people As they remain too busy to earn and feed their empty bellies This is the most talked about stories, we are quite aware before But by regular return at every winter, it becomes a popular chronicle The most amazing truth is that the nation, the state all know these very well And it’s also true that the headlines will cover the winter death at regular interval Winter comes, Christmas comes and Jesus is always with us Cold comes, life comes and death is also an integral part of it Oh God, make sure to provide some respect for all these poor guys Give shelter, the food and the warmth in abundance to all of them Let them live a worthy life and let them die an honorable death