So, They Say!

Kriti S Gupta posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-24

We are the women of today, so they say Be an independent girl, so they say But a question arises if I just may? What exactly is a woman of today? She still peeps out of the womb to seek approval She still isn't the greatest joy to aunts and uncle She still will need a brother to protect her Hems of her skirt will still cause a stir She still gets no choice in searching a partner Be obliged, woman, oh he is a doctor! She still puts her dreams on holdĀ  She made a promise to fit in the wife mould She still bears his children with utmost pain With her body exhausted and full of bloodstain She still raises them coz it's her duty But children still get the father's name, that's the beauty! She still isn't allowed to be mad What will society think, it's so bad She still needs to nod her head in agreement She still is expected to be the one to bend She still thinks her time will come soon When her dreams will be over the moon She still doesn't lose hope in this chaos She still doesn't take all this as a loss She still is the bravest creature nature has made She doesn't need a man to her aid But she still needs to dress your way Oh! but she is a woman of today, so they say! _


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