Sojourn of a Creative Soul

Lalitha Ramanathan posted under PenMuse-40 Poetry on 2022-04-11

She craves to create waves; thus, new paths she paves, Imagination saves; renders soul once more whole. Her prime goal? To weave magic; leave lasting imprints. Achieve her mission of artistic vision, true. Multiple hues, ingenious muse, creative cues, Blues vanish, fire burns bright, awakens her at night, Ignores each slight, braves deluge; in work, seeks refuge. Huge mountains to cross, humdrum life goes for a toss. Tough the test; she won't rest without giving her best, To reach the crest, arduous feat she must complete. Unveiling treat, with pride she proclaims, 'I tried!' Bonafide masterpiece! She got through, so can you.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!