
Brindha V posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-18

I do not want to meddle with the worldly affair It gives my heart, an unrecoverable attack As I prefer the sweet company of solitaire With you, with them, the constant compare A kintsugi, I became with many a crack I do not want to meddle with the worldly affair What happens in the deep havens of the unaware A fairy I feel, in my own shack As I prefer the sweet company of solitaire Having to juggle many parts in the play, losing my debonair  Path, I have lost, in my own track I do not want to meddle with the worldly affair There is a spring of hope amidst much despair Shedding the unwanted foes, a path I had to retrack As I prefer the sweet company of solitaire Having realised the divine in the air I do not want to meddle with the worldly affair As I prefer the sweet company of solitaire     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!