Soulful Conversations

Ramya Nair posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-14

Lounging in Ma's lap, talking about days long gone Her tales firing up our little curious minds Heart to heart talks on starry nights With siblings dear, waiting for dawn to arrive Long forgotten chats, under the moonlit sky With friends long lost, but not forgotten Our mindless chatter and booming laughs Chasing away the gloom of the ancient ruins Swapping gossips with colleagues during coffee breaks, Moments of shared bliss, a respite from office blues Lying in his arms, not a word exchanged Staring at each other, a new language was born A thousand such conversations, day in and out Some superfluous, some pointless, some deep Like balm for the bleeding heart, salve for troubled mind And some like chicken soup for the weary soul ______________________________


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