
Moumita Dutta posted under Flash Fiction Guest Posts on 2020-10-06

 “This happy me... I owe it all to you. So, once again, thank you.” Zerlina exhaled a long breath. Aaina smiled back. “I’m just a medium, and I'm happy 'cause you are happy.” “I'm glad destiny ensured our meet. If only I hadn’t lost my temper that day…” A knock at the door interrupted Zerlina. It was the delivery guy. He handed the bouquet and left.  “A new beginning with fresh flowers. I ordered them a while ago.” She looked at Aaina and smiled.  “All thanks to you.” Life was tough for Zerlina, but optimism kept her steady. She toiled hard to support her ageing parents and nurture her dream. The dream to become a fashion designer. Unfortunately, circumstances turned adverse when she married a guy from their neighbourhood. Adding to her woes, he turned out to be a wastrel. But Zerlina didn’t give up. She shouldered every responsibility, singlehandedly. Then, one fine day, her altruistic nature drew its last breath. She defied every odd and left for the city. To start a new life; to enliven her dreams.


“Stop calling me. We’re done. I’m not going back. You’ll receive the divorce petition soon.” Zerlina became hyper after the heated discussion with her husband. And out of rage, she threw her cellphone. It hit the mirror; the glass cracked.   Next day, she went out to buy a new mirror. Zerlina was at the intersection when something shiny caught her attention. Drawn by the glare, she moved closer. There, she saw Aaina. And in her eyes, Zerlina saw a beautiful reflection of herself. The self that she really was; gorgeous and charming. Strangely, she found herself staring at Aaina. “This mirror is a good bargain, madam. Expect the delivery by 07:00 tomorrow." said the shopkeeper. She handed the bills, thanked him, and hurried home. Oddly, the desperation to see Aaina, again, gripped her mind. She waited patiently for dawn.  "There you are, finally! I'm so happy to see you." She welcomed Aaina with open arms.  That day, marked the beginning of a unique friendship. For, through Aaina, she succeeded in unfolding her true self. Each day, she spoke to Aaina for hours. She wept and laughed, and her emotions were reciprocated.  One evening, Zerlina looked at Aaina, smilingly. "You're the friend I've been looking for. Today, I'm stronger 'cause you helped me to restore my self-belief. I could declutter my mind and see the person I want to become. You let me connect with my inner self. My reflection in you taught me how to be better. I'm grateful to you for making me see the beauty, that is uniquely me." Aaina beamed. "I am your inner soulmate; your mirror image. I've always been there within you; as your soul. You just missed seeing it. Now that we are connected in a beautiful union of blissful friendship; take things in your stride, and give back to the world around you." Zerlina kissed her new friend. "Who else, if not you!"


Glossary: Zerlina- variation of Zerlin, meaning ‘beautiful dawn.’ Aaina- Mirror Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!