Special Bond

Sheela Iyer posted under Break The Bias Flash Fiction on 2022-05-08

Courageous, loving, strong, and emotional were some sobriquets that describe her. Her birth name was Rajeev, but everyone called her Rajishree. Yes, she is transgender.  Rajishree worked hard to earn respect for herself and the community. She considered herself and her life beautiful, even though God made her different.  Acceptance is something that is very dear to all. But transgenders like Rajishree face many hurdles and challenges each day.  Society and government come much later. Parents who give birth to transgenders desert them. Where will they go then?  They also deserve to live in this world. If society does not support and give them jobs, how will they survive? So begging is the only choice. But by the grace of God, Rajishree never had to beg. She got picked up by an NGO who gave her work.  While working with them, she came across a ten-year-old girl whom they had rescued from child trafficking. Her name was Hina. The minute she saw Hina, tears rolled down her cheeks. It was an instant connection. She immediately decided to adopt her and spoke to the authorities. They helped Rajishree to complete all the adoption formalities. Within a couple of days, Hina became Rajishree’s official daughter.  She shifted to a small rented house and took care of Hina.  She did everything that a mother does for their children.  Cooking food for her, combing her hair, taking her shopping, and playing with her. Hina knew her mother was transgender and different from her. But that didn’t stop her from embracing and loving her mother.  Rajishree’s next challenge was getting her daughter admitted to a good school. She approached many schools, but Hina's application was getting rejected, only because she was the daughter of a transgender. But she did not give up and approached one of the best schools in her vicinity. To her surprise, they not only welcomed Hina but also gave her respect.  Rajishree was overwhelmed with joy.  A few months later, the school organised an event on the eve of Mother’s Day.  Rajishree’s daughter was part of this event. Guardians were also invited. Rajishree was very thrilled as this was her daughter’s first dance programme. Hina looked very pretty in her pink lace frock. Immediately after the event, the host took over to announce the names of the winners. When her daughter’s name was announced, she jumped with joy and felt very proud of her. She continued clapping without even realizing that people were staring at her. Heena came on stage. Holding the mike, she said, “Ma, please come and give me this trophy.  I am here today because of you.” Gratitude flowed through her.  Hina’s words cheered Rajishree’s soul, and she savoured the feeling of contentment.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!