Starlit Fantasies 

Vandana Nadar posted under PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-21

Starlit fantasies spurring esoteric tales A kaleidoscopic peregrination Moving through chromatic shades of life Swells of heartbeats pulsate on the motley of scales  Envisioning a sensational creation Starlit fantasies spurring esoteric tales  Canards or certitude interweaved in bales Setting forth a potent foundation Moving through the chromatic shades of life This Odyssey of words treads on a throng of trails  Pivoting stances from despair to elation Starlit fantasies spurring esoteric tales Gaze the horizons and cherish what prevails Beware! Lest the treasure be lost in translation Moving through the chromatic shades of life Grasp the juncture and set the sails Row unremittingly seeking liberation Starlit fantasies spurring esoteric tales Moving through the chromatic shades of life     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!