Stars in the Night Sky 

Concetta Pipia posted under Poetry on 2023-08-06

Stars shimmer in the night, Whispered secrets so high, Guiding time's sweet, slow sigh, Dreams in night's embrace rest, In their glow, dreams fly high. Stars shimmer in the sky Tales paint as time drifts by, In starry script, hearts link In star clusters, souls blend  Cosmic dreams, hearts in sync. Stars shimmer in the sky,, A weave, cosmic, so high Threads weave magic, you see Life's weave is grand, so bright  In their gleam, we're free. Stars shimmer in the sky Eternal flames, not shy, Cosmic whispers, diverse  In their sheen, an opus, Cosmic gift, grace of course     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!