Stories- My Friend

Aditi Lahiry posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-20

Since my childhood days, I was engrossed listening to tales Listening to Alibaba and Forty thieves, kept me engrossed for hours indeed The tales of Ramayana and Mahabharata were my companions of my growing up years My grandpa read me the Legends of Greece and Rome Each story transported me to a fantasy realm The Fairy Tales, Tales from Panchatantra and Aesop's fables , I remember vividly They were all full of colourful and amazing imagery As a grown up too , I go back to each of these tales For they help me to revisit my childhood days Now ,as a story teller I frequently narrate stories I am that children would fall in love with stories gradually Stories help us to enter a land of complete imagination A land where every character is free to do anything beyond the mundane restriction By best friend is a story , for it gives me company during my hours of solitude I read , I narrate and I watch stories to give wings to creativity My friendship with stories will last for days until eternity I wish to see children falling in love with stories The best pals , who turn rainy day memorable through their glories.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!