Summer Showers

Sarita Khullar posted under PenMuse-52 Poetry on 2023-05-16

Summer showers bring breezes cool, Blue canopy above turns grey and  white , Dripping raindrops give verdure woods resplendent sheen, A fresh carpet adorns the earth , The earth had smell  of petrichor, Nascent buds sprouted in brownish old branches, Frogs croaked hoarsely in the little pools of water, It is advent of days divine. Divine is the Nature in bloom, Myriad flowers colour valleys, hills, Honeybees hum, butterflies flutter on flowers, Painted scene of eternal bliss, Bliss are zephyrs whistling through trees, Mellifluous symphony of song birds, Even raucous owl hoots in tune with the Nature   Music have showers of Summer.

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