Susurrating Symphonies 

Gowri Bhargav posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-15

In the alpenglow of autumnal breeze, Fond memories perch on vivid rainbows, The dreamy moments, how I long to seize. The dainty bluebells from a sprightly spring, With vibrant heartstrings, I can hear them sing. Like myriad leaves in the maple trees, Thoughts umpteen dangle and shimmer so close, In the alpenglow of autumnal breeze. Your perfumed body just danced and illumed, With wafting fragrance from the buds that bloomed. My playful mind though I try to appease, In a pensive state it jocundly grows, The dreamy moments, how I long to seize. In verdant valleys soaked ‘neath wild monsoon, For hours and hours we’d lay in fond cocoon. Mauve, auburn, tangerine—colors do tease, In vain my heart leaps though the truth it knows, In the alpenglow of autumnal breeze. Our blissful life was filled with songs of love, A gifted soulmate you were from above.   My enfeebled heart feels a throbbing squeeze, As I reminisce past days such as those, The dreamy moments how I long to seize. My raining tears would fill the seven seas, But with salvaged fragments my mind wallows, In the alpenglow of autumnal breeze, The dreamy moments how I long to seize.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!