Terms Of Eyes

Indrani Chatterjee posted under PenMuse-36 Poetry on 2021-12-20

Heart flows and the eyes glisten  Only keen minds can listen.  Calm disclosure in sheeny eyes Makes path to reach in silent cries.  The glistening eyes of a tomboy To see his kite conquers clouds with joy.  The scarlet eyes try to reveal sorrow When voice gets choked no words it can borrow.  The deprived mother to see her son succeed  Rheum in her eyes at any trice can exceed.  Long wait when answered by knock Sheen of hope in eyes, unlock.  Most awaited frame stands so near When touched if fades, eyes exude fear.  Terms of eyes speaks when words fail to tote Its profound flow only if you note.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!