That Magical Night

Natasha Sequeira posted under PenMuse-03 Poetry on 2019-01-07

The time was nigh, new life she would bring, Her womb would spring forth a little king! She was nervous, though, but stayed calm, out of sight 2000 years ago, having a baby out of wedlock wasn't thought of to be right! Her fiancé  believed her and accepted it was God's will Naysayers warned him, he stood by her, rock solid, still! A wicked king, jealous of the unborn child Ordered all male children from the area to be slain, with rage he went wild! The to-be parents fled in the middle of the night Fled on donkey's back, to another part of the country, out of fright! Her labour pain began and there was nowhere to rest He knocked on doors, in sorrow, he was dressed! Finally, a kind innkeeper gave them a stable, towards morn And there it was that the babe, the Saviour was born! ___________________ For more of such content, follow us: