That Thing

Parul Banerjee posted under PenMuse-27 Poetry on 2021-02-18

That thing, which in beings Reside to make them live. From two distinct souls They emerge to converge  In one core making whole. That thing which in beings Orchestrates every bit That never blends, na That does not stay close Neither are the parts far. That thing which in beings Segregate just so that Another life is born Carried by nature’s force  Closer two things are drawn. That thing which in beings Come closer for a while Exchange their parts then part In me they are discrete Mixed in my girl they last. *** Note: This is an ode to the genes contained within the chromosomes. The maternal and paternal parts play their parts together, yet they remain discrete.  During gametogenesis some exchange parts in the phenomenon of recombination. Therefore the parts of the parents mix and later may express in grandchildren. As I teach this in class, I cannot help marvel at the beauty of nature.


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