The 12 Year Wait

Seeta Iyer posted under PenMuse-32 Poetry on 2021-07-08

The inky sky deepens as night walks along I run my hands gently over the coarse ground. The soft buds get disturbed, I apologize My mind harkens back to that day you were crowned "Wait for me future Queen" you had eulogized. I watched you fade away in the purple bloom 12 years, numbers don't count in this paradise my anklets chime in silence, my smile is gloom The blue sky softens, my eyes behold a dawn A purple hue paints, the mountains from below You walk through the kurunjis, tears of joy flow. Note:  Neelakurunjis are purplish blue colored flowers found in Shola forests of western ghats, India. The Nilgiri hills in Tamilnadu got their name – Blue mountains, from these very flowers that bloom once in 12 years! The Paliyar tribal community that lives in these forests use the blooming pattern to calculate their age. I used the same to depict a passage of time, the period of wait for the young woman.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!