The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life

Divik Kandpal posted under Book Review on 2019-05-14

I have always been a Robin Sharma fan and when this book came out, it was the fastest finger first for pre-order, though I am posting this review slightly late. Like all other Robin Sharma books, this book also imparts the wisdom through a story wherein main characters are The Spellbinder and The Billionaire imparting lessons to The Entrepreneur and The Artist, moving across the globe from Mauritius, India, Italy, South Africa and Latin America. If I compare the storyline with the earlier stories of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and The Secret Letters this story is not that engrossing and bores you. Moreso, it is even predictable but the wisdom of Monk Sharma is always unique and different which is true in the case of this book as well.  The core idea of this book is to develop an early rising habit i.e. getting up prior to 5 AM and to own your mornings by following various routines. He has advised through small examples how to structure the rest of the day. He has given small catchy mantras like 20/20/20 Formula for spending your first hour of the morning wherein in First 20 minutes you should do exercise or Move, second 20 Minutes you Reflect i.e. You Plan, Pray and Meditate and the last 20 min you Grow by reading, listing to audio books etc., The 90/90/1 Rule wherein for next 90 days for the first 90 minutes of your day, you should focus on that one activity which when completed at world class will cause you own your field and 60/10 method wherein you focus and work with intensity and focus for 60 minutes and then take a 10 min break to regain breath, The Daily 5 Concept to list and accomplish 5 tiny targets daily , 66 Day Habit Forming Cycle..and the 2nd Wind Workout at the end of the day. In fact, he has given minute by minute routine for a given day to follow to make it an amazing day. The routine is amazing and he says that we should all create our own unique 5 AM Clubs taking his suggestions as guidelines. Like many of us I find the first step i.e. get going at 5 as a big-time challenge and in addition, feel the routine suggested by him will make the life too rigid and inflexible. Most of the suggestions are difficult to follow but surely can be tried if not in whole but definitely in bits and pieces. Lastly, but most importantly, Robin Sharma has also acknowledged the problem of digital distraction through internet and mobiles and has suggested that first few hours of the mornings, as well as last few hours before sleep, should be totally away from technology. Overall a wonderful book of wisdom and habit forming that would surely help all the readers to conquer what Robin Sharma calls the interior empire of Mindset (psychology), Heartset (emotionality), Healthset( physicality), Soulset( spirituality). Buy the book here: