The Anklets

Rrafika Rangwala posted under Flash Fiction Guest Posts on 2020-03-02

Being a youngest child, Tanisha was fortunate enough to go to school with her mother. Her elder brother Ravi, sister Neha used to go by school bus. Be quick, Tanisha at once awaken by her Mom's voice. I may be late for my office meeting. Without a single gesture, she sat in  the car, tied her seatbelt. The car started running with few jerks, as her Mom was driving fast. Oh God ! Please help, Tanisha was praying for traffic congestion. So that she could be able to glance in the showcase of a jewellery shop where a beautiful pair of silver anklets were teasing her.

Today she gathered courage and asked her Mom,Mom I love those pair of anklets, please purchase it for me. Mom suddenly started laughing, why anklets? and moreover teenagers don't wear it. "Ok Mom, l won't pressurise you to purchase, but tell me when will I be able to wear it?" questioned Tanisha. To get herself  relieved from further  set of curiosities, Mom simply told, " Tanisha. My sweetheart," at the time of marriage your sweetheart i.e. your husband will be gifting you. Till then keep patience .  This time Tanisha was sincere and she started counting years, months and days. She started dreaming: she will be the queen of her  house, a beloved to her husband, a sister in law, daughter in law, a bhabhi, a chachi, a mami for some, moving in the house, legs decorated with anklets and  a melodious music of  "Cham Cham" Moreover  the best part of it will be that she will never asked to remove from her ankle. Because wearing  anklet is a sign of a married woman. Finally her wedding  day arrived, after performing every rituals she was presented an attractive pair of anklets by her husband. Without wasting a single moment she opened it and wear it. The first day of Tahisha's life started with those glamarous anklets. Everyone loved to watch her while walking. The household members  started recognising the sound of small ghoongroos in  her anklets.  Times have changed. Now Tanisha crossed 50, almost all  ladies have stopped wearing silver anklets.  Anklets were outdated.Some  women might wear Gold chains as anklets. But it was just trendy .Tanisha's daughter too denied in wearing it. Instead she preferred to wear a black  cotton thread in one leg. Modernity too affected Tanisha. She too removed her anklets and kept under an almirah.  Soon days pass by and one fine morning  a miracle was waiting  outside her door.

It was her 51st birthday, after dripping  sari she went in kitchen to cook some sweets. All of sudden her parents appeared. She was in seventh heaven. Love to see you, "Ma and Pappa ". Her mother hugged and took out a golden pocket from her purse and asked Tanisha to sit on sofa. As she followed the instructions her mother took out an amazing pair of silver anklets and tied in her legs. Tears rolled out from Tahisha's deer like eyes. 

No, my child, said her mother These are tears of joy, the joy of wearing anklets forever. It suits on you, provides you immense pleasure. Tanisha started laughing without even taking a pause. _ _ Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!