The Ardent Wait

Gayathri Achar posted under PenMuse-30 on 2021-05-12

I fervently wait for you every night As I gaze at the stars above, I hope you’ll lead me into your world of light. I find myself dreaming of you, my love, Every time I look into the night sky, As I gaze at the stars above. I let out a deep sigh, When I see the constellation of your face Every time I look into the night sky.   I’ve made for you, in my heart, a place, That I wish you’ll one day fill, When I see the constellation of your face. When I think of you, time comes to a standstill, A feeling of emptiness surges within me That I wish you’ll one day fill. Please hear my impassioned plea, Come into my life and make it bright, A feeling of emptiness surges within me… I hope you’ll lead me into your world of light.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!