The Audition

Lakshmi Menon posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-35 on 2021-11-20

I was seated in my agent’s office, waiting for my turn to audition for a movie based on the life of Queen Yashodhara and Prince Siddhartha. The queen and I are so different. Yet, so similar in grief. She pines for her husband, I pine for satisfying roles. The agent barged in, “We audition for the slaves.” He left before I could protest. A slave? No way. I’d rather skip. A sweet lingering smell tickled my olfactory nerves. Blinded by a luminescent glow, my eyes shut involuntarily.  I was transported to a Glade.  Seated under a lone fig tree was the source of the light. I stood enthralled as my eyes adjusted to the brightness. The Buddha? How did I get here? This set is outstanding! The director has a penchant for perfection. I heard a gentle voice. “Speak to me, the one with a perturbed mind, A path to happiness, I can help you find.” I was baffled. Oh no! The audition commenced? He spoke without a cue. What are my lines?  I must say something! His magnetic eyes bore into mine. I drowned in the pool of compassion that reflected in them. I poured my heart out, dazed. “I eloped when I was 16. I had dreams of making it big in Bollywood, however...” “Is that why you suffer? Identify the root cause, do not fear.” “I gave umpteen auditions; I haven’t got a break yet. I don’t want to do a cameo.” “The only two mistakes in pursuit of the truth are - not starting and not going all the way.” “I know what you mean. Beggars can’t be choosers. Though I come alive when I act; I fear I might end up as an extra if I do a cameo. ” “The mind is everything; you become what you think, The wise sift their thoughts; discard the negative in the sink.” “I try to stay positive. However, when nincompoops get breaks because of their Bollywood connections, I get angry.” “The instant one feels anger; one has stopped seeking the truth, Success comes to the persistent; the path may not be smooth.” “What should I do?” “Focus on the task; free yourself from resentful thoughts, The only failure in life is not giving it your best shot.” “You ask me to take whatever is available and do my best?”  I feel better, peaceful.  “Thank you. I will take your advice. Will you watch me play Queen Yashodhara and point out the areas of improvement?” And, I rehearsed.  I became Yashodhara. I was coy as a bride, mushy in love, joyous in motherhood, and heartbroken in separation. I stopped when I tasted the acrid flavor of tears streaming down my face. Thunderous applause jolted me. The set was gone; I stood in the room, bewildered. What was that? A dream? “Bravo! You got into the skin of the character. This role is yours. I am glad I entered the wrong room,” the director said, applauding.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!