The Best Buddies

Aditi Lahiry posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-62 on 2024-04-23

Ten year old Rahul was good at sports. He always played cricket , football and basketball. He was selected the junior cricket team captain in his colony Vasant Vihar. One day just after his summer vacation started, he was busy playing football when all of a sudden the ball hit his right foot really hard and fractured his right ankle. He was advised to stay on bed_ rest for almost a couple of months. What he found most difficult to adjust to was the fact that he will not be able to participate in the annual Cricket  tournament against the opposition team of players from Shanti Kunj Colony.  A new visitor visited them a week before Rahul's ankle got  fractured.It was Neeta Aunty , the childhood friend of Rahul's mother and her ten year old son Dinesh. When they visited Rahul's home ,he realised that Dinesh had no interest in sports. Infact he was more into reading books and participated in writing clubs . This told Rahul that they were exact chalk and cheese . So he just ignored Dinesh. Rahul always thought that only the boys who loved to play outdoor games , should be his friends.But he never knew that he was soon going to be proved wrong.  During the first week, Rahul's friends often dropped in to give him company but as the time of the tournament approached closer none of them visited him. Rahul felt too lonely and was desperate for company.  Then one evening his mother entered his room and declared  " Rahul we have a visitor today. He is a little different from you . But I am sure you will like his company. " Rubbing his eyes , Rahul was surprised to find Dinesh standing in front of him . At first he thought "He has surely come to bore me . For he only reads and spends time with books. "  Dinesh had indeed brought a book to read to him . It was a book with the the title" Born Free" by Joy Adamson. It was about a lion cub named Elsa , who was brought up by Joy Adamson and later released into the wild after many years. Rahul found the story really interesting.He even learnt that it was based on a true story.Later Dinesh also told him about his pets . " Do you know I have a tortoise, two dogs and a parrot! I will bring my pets here everyday. You can play with them. " Soon Rahul was attracted to the opposite. He eagerly waited for Dinesh's arrival everyday. They spent a lot of time reading books and playing with Dinesh's pets.  " This summer vacation was my best vacation ever. For both Dinesh and I became best buddies inspite of our differences. I hardly felt bored or lonely because of Dinesh." Rahul exclaimed and told his mother.