The Bookworm

Durriya Sakarwala posted under PenMuse-57 Poetry on 2023-11-17

Riddles, puzzles, and mysteries perforate Anecdotes, tales, and stories jump to celebrate Pungent perfume kisses the swirling breeze Adding grace to the cover page looking slightly creased A dried-up rose excitedly falls out My old book flashes a contemporary pout. ~ A bookworm glides out into a trendy world ~ Leaving aside the soft pages of an exquisite book Technology, kindle, and tablets discover a niche into a hook Reading mode, darkness, or brightness is adjusted The reckoning concept of reading is readjusted  Pen and paper steadily take a backseat A stylus pen and writing apps happily greet.  ~ The bookworm contemplates the contrasting worlds~ And decides to bask in the glory of storytelling He dances to the rhythm of the words celebrating A fable of parables, allegories, sagas, and life-changing biographies The bookworm considers reading as his coveted trophy  He kisses his old paperbacks and other texts Accompanied by his kindle, he embraces reading as his treasured chest.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!