The Bottle List

Mithila Gogate posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-12

Wake up to the murmurs of dawn. Breathe in a new day, make new memories, Bottle up some time and put a stopper on. Bask in the sun, chase thistle fairies. Pitter patter feet, run around my heart, Breathe in a new day, make new memories. Blanket of stars, smiles breath apart. Steal kisses under a midsummer sky,  As pitter patter feet, run around my heart. Languid little yawns, and an old lullaby, Capture this moment, to cherish and covet, Steal kisses under a midsummer sky. Lie entwined in your arms, crooning words dulcet. Life sways to the tune of the final knell, let us Capture this moment, to cherish and covet. The morning star beckons, calm and luminous, Reminisce these memories of a life bygone. Life sways to the tune of the final knell, let us Bottle up some time and put the stopper on. Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!