The Burning Scars

Vandana Saxena posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-21 on 2020-07-25

Mahi stood facing her extensive wardrobe to choose a dress.   A colourful scrimmage was apparent amongst glittery fancy hangers in proximity.  She withdrew some dresses but rejected them because they were revealing.  For the first time, she wasn’t comfortable in her own skin and decided to cover it. It was her first appearance to the glamour world, after almost six months.  During this period, Mahi had lost it all. Her desire to work, her feelings for Shiraz, her appetite to learn, and her confidence.  She had stepped out only to see the doctor of late.   She was sceptical about attending the awards night today, but for Shiraz.  She couldn't say no to him, not as yet. The doorbell rang, and Shiraz appeared, sharp at 8:00 pm. “Hey, you are not ready yet? Hurry up! Else we’ll be late.” Shiraz said and turned towards the chiffonier that held Mahi in various frames.  He was in awe of her beauty.  Mahi looked beautiful in those pictures.  The radiant skin, bright smile, light eyes, sultry aura, and unrivalled talent placed her out of the league.   She had created a niche for herself in the industry in a short period.  In the next few moments, Mahi was ready.  She looked ravishing in red.  Her prominent curves turned sexier when she donned the heels and walked.   Though Mahi had covered herself as much as she could, yet her soft white flesh peeped out from the cuts well placed in her dress. Her eyes, submerged in deep kohl, told a thousand stories.  Shiraz smiled, kissed her, and held her palm.  Just before leaving, Mahi grabbed her stole.  The car screeched to halt at the foyer of famous “Vivanta”.  The cameras came rushing towards them, and her heart sank.    “No, Shiraz, I can’t. They’ll stare me with questionable eyes, click pictures and make breaking news out of it.” “Give me a good reason why they should not? This is not the end Mahi, it’s a new beginning." The moment they stepped out, paparazzi besieged them.  Shiraz incised the crowed clasping her hand while she clutched her veil in her fingers.  The event had already begun.  She was nominated in the “Best Actress” category. Shiraz was almost dragging her when she stopped herself.  Looking through her eyes, Shiraz took the back seat.  For the entire event, Mahi hid her face in the veil.   No one noticed her and Shiraz kept his promise not to unveil her identity. At last, the winners were announced, and she lost the award to another famous actress.  The actress was poised while she went on to deliver her speech after receiving the award.  She said, “I don’t bother how people look at me.  People will talk, stare, laugh at you…make it worth their while.”   Something touched Mahi, and she removed her veil.  Everyone rushed to her, not to greet an established actress but to meet a woman who survived an acid attack, and dared to flaunt her charred skin and scars, over make-up! _______________________________


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