The Call of Instinct

Birbhanu Singh posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-11

It was a murder. A cold-blooded murder… The culprit was brought for trial in the courtroom. He was quite a character. In manacles, his steely body shimmered. The one-legged creature strutted around in the courtroom and finally ambled to the dock behind the well of the court. There was no feeling of shame or guilt on his curved face and his sharp and pointed snout reflected the dark desires of his sinister soul. “Do you plead guilty?” the judge thundered, flipping through the pages of the book of the law. “What for?” the criminal retorted shamelessly. “Did you not kill the animal in cold blood?” the official yelled while adjusting the white spaniel wig on his head. “Yes, I killed the goat,” acknowledged the murderer with the clanging of his manacles. A volcano of anger erupted in the audience. “Kill him!” shouted the crowd in the chamber of the courtroom. “Order!” the judge hammered and continued, “Why did you kill the goat?” “I was driven by my impulse,” the steely creature answered. “Do you know, you were a dead object, just a tool?” “Yes, I do remember. Now I am a living knife. A butcher knife.” “Life was injected into you so that you do something good for the society.” “I have no idea of good and evil.” What a simpleton! “You butchered the innocent animal. There were deep cuts across its body. Its throat was slit mercilessly and the blood was gushing out from all its wounds. It squirmed heavily in profound pain until life deserted it.” “When I saw the animal, I sprang up in the air and stabbed it many times as hard and forcefully as I could and slit its throat. And after killing it, I felt a great sense of satisfaction.”  “Do you repent killing the goat now?” “Not a bit.”  “Death punishment,” demanded the crowd in anger.    The judge called again for an order in the house.   “So I charge you with the brutal murder of the goat,” the official announced.   The crowd heaved a sigh of relief. “What is your last wish?” the magistrate asked. The culprit moved his pointed snout in all directions, in a manner, that looked so threatening that the audience shuddered with fear. He said, “I want to kill many more. That is my only wish.” The judge lost patience and roared, “Heartless murderer! On account of the brutal killing of the mammal, I announce …” “No!” a voice echoed in the chamber of the courtroom. It flapped its papery wings and rose higher and higher in the air. It was the book of the law – dancing and singing… The fire burns and it burns anything The water wets and it wets everything And so the knife cuts and kills anything And everything… A deafening silence fell in the house. The judge realized the folly of his impending judgement and announced, “The knife must be set free and must be rehabilitated in a slaughterhouse.”


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