The Camouflage 

Shivali Dixit Saxena posted under PenMuse-19 Poetry on 2020-05-17

Wandering in Woods Known for Rustling Sounds, All That I Could Hear Crinkly, Crackling Leaves  As I Walked Around. Stopped to Catch Some Air. Boy, It Was A Climb! Wait, What Was That Sound? Burbling Was Louder  than My Panting Breath. Hence, Began My Chase  Another Few Yards  To Reach to The Stream You, Will, Be Amazed  To Know What I Found. A Million of Wings Fluttering 'jitters' Mahogany Paired  With Apricot, Black, Spattered All Over. Migrating Monarchs' Bivouac Did A Splendid Makeover!! Who Says The Monarchs  Can't Camouflage?


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