The Caravan of Friendship

Nisha Tandon posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-08

Whenever life's few dilemmas left us perplexed 
And our burdened souls we gravely needed to bare 
We didn't once hesitate to reach out and create 
Perfect moments for a cup of coffee to share

At times they were matters that seemed trivial 
At others , some major decisions in our life 
Whenever we struggled hard to keep afloat 
Every storm that shook our world they helped us survive 

With conversations we shaped a great synergy 
Trust, faith and loyalty became our core strengths 
We knew we had someone to fall back upon 
As we were soon each other's Two A.M. friends 

We instantly clicked and met more often 
And our mutual friendship slowly strengthened 
We stood by each other to happily uplift
And emotionally we became dependent 

We got to know each other slightly better 
And steadily we formed a lifelong bond 
Together came seven compassionate soul mates 
And Coffee buddies , The KARVANS was then spawned





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