The Catastrophe

Moumita Dutta posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-09

She sneaked in like the zephyr
And took me off course
Distinct from the other, yet,
We stepped on to explore.

Our friendship weaved a tale, ‘twas anticipated, never to fail
But who could tell about the gale
It stormed in, and misfortune befell.

The seasons saw us sail, through every angry mail.
Ego advanced its stride, so truth was buried alive.

Misunderstandings engulfed our state.
Bereaved, we accepted it as fate.
Surprisingly, agreed to abide by the deed
For us, never to meet.

Fortune fell, and scattered like minute drops of mercury,
The Heaven mocked us sarcastically.
Alas, we lost all in a hurry.




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