The Chance Encounter?

Forum Ganatra posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-41 on 2022-05-16

"May I?” Amaan gestured towards the empty seat next to Ananya who just nodded.  Amaan wore a sleek black suit and polished leather shoes. He looked somewhere in his early fifties. Ananya was a twentysomething, tall, slender girl. She was dressed in a short, red, off-shoulder dress and heels. Her brown hair touched her bare shoulders. The dress fit her in all the right places. “Drinks for me and my amazing lady please.” Amaan waved at the waiter as he placed Ananya’s drink at the counter. Ananya looked up annoyed. She was about to reply when the waiter whispered - “He means for his wife. The poor guy lost her to cancer last year. He often comes and orders drinks for two.” "Oh!" Ananya stole a glance at him. He genuinely looked upset. After his second drink, he broke down. Ananya’s heart went out to him. “It’s ok.”, she inched closer. "How can it be ok?” Amaan howled even louder. She held his hand and tried to soothe him. “We spent thirty years together. She was my college sweetheart and my entire world.” Amaan choked. “I've just had a breakup. I came to surprise my ex and found him sleeping with another woman. It’s difficult to believe how can someone love anyone so much.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “I don’t know. It just came naturally with her. I don’t think I can have what I had with her with anyone else”, he went on to narrate a few instances with his wife. “Did you never try to look for someone else?” Ananya enquired. “I did...” He motioned for drinks for the two of them. “I’ve gone on a few dates, had one-night stands but nobody seems even remotely like her.” Ananya smiled understandingly. They spoke for a bit more, laughing and sharing stories while the drinks kept coming. “Last round.” Ananya finally said, leaning over Amaan. She smelled too good, her soft tender touch, gave Amaan an adrenaline rush. He slightly caressed her arms smiling. He was proud of his acting skills. He regularly came here and managed to find innocent girls. He took them home with or without their consent and then satisfied his desires. He had filmed each of them. He tipped the staff well. His poor wife had no idea. He pulled Ananya for a hug. "Follow me.", she winked, as she handed Amaan his drink. Amaan gulped it down. She handed him a piece of paper and walked towards the door. Amaan looked at her retreating figure lustily. His heart was pumping loudly, he had difficulty standing up. I should drink less, I am getting old, he thought. With shaking hands, he opened the piece of paper. Hello Honey, That's your ticket to hell. Hope you have a blast. Love, Justice Babe Amaan’s legs gave away. He fell clutching his chest.


The News Hour Justice Babe strikes again. Evidence of Amaan’s abuses has been recovered from his house.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!