The Chosen One

Ramya Viswanathan posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-24 on 2020-11-26

“Till last week, all polls indicated that we were leading. How did it turn upside down now? We have only a few days left. I have promised our leader that, this time I will win as the M.L.A. My failure means the end of my political career. I have spent three times more than that of the previous elections in providing the freebies. Stop giving an innocent look and tell me what went wrong," Varadharaj yelled at his assistant Ravi. Ravi spoke with fear. “Sir, our opponent Manimaran yesterday talked about the liquor shops opened during our earlier tenure. I think the women population may have turned against us.” “So, now we need to garner votes from the female sector. You know the trick," Varadharaj gave a sly look at Ravi. Ravi's face brightened. "Sympathy; For our first success, it was your father. This time is it your father-in-law?” he asked doubtfully. Headlines Varadharaj’s campaign supported by his wife Padma is trending on Twitter. Despite her due date nearing, she is a determined spouse traveling for his victory. Her flawless speech is attracting attention. Two days before the election Padma was rushed to the hospital after she fell unconscious. She woke after a while and looked at the empty cradle. “Doctor" she called feebly. Varadharaj entered and sat beside her. Holding her hands firmly, he said in a trembling voice. “I am so sorry my dear. It is my fault. I should not have taken you with me. It was a girl, but she was stillborn.” Padma felt devastated. She cursed herself for being careless. Varadharaj won as expected and came home. Padma did not pay heed to his victory. He tried to convince her. “I have apologized a hundred times. We will surely have a baby. This time after you are pregnant, please stay with your parents. After delivery, return here when you feel comfortable. I will never trouble you; Promise.”  He genuinely pleaded with her. Padma believed him and began to await the moment. After three months, Headlines Early morning M.L.A Varadharaj passed away in his residence due to a massive heart attack. All his party members are present for the funeral. A month later, Headlines In the re-election held, late M.L.A Varadharaj’s wife Padma has won with a high margin. Padma stood in front of Varadharaj’s photo. Unable to bear the guilt any further, Ravi confessed that you cruelly killed my baby and revealed how mercilessly you poisoned your father just for conquering political power. My world turned upside down. I still regret trusting you all these years. Ravi helped me to induce your heart attack; you earned death. When I was about to end my life, your leader offered me this opportunity. I understood my destination and decided to dedicate myself to the well-being of the people. All I wished was for one child; now, I am the mother of many. My life feels complete.” “Long live Padma Amma!” voices pierced the air.


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