The Colour Carnival

Aditi Lahiry posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-53 on 2023-06-24

"Give me one good reason , why should I go and participate in this carnival? Don' t you know that they will reject me as soon as they get to know that earlier I was Manuel and now I am Mauline. My children could not accept me how will the organisers accept me. Just leave me alone . I am happy with my identity. Not everyone will be able to accept me. " Mauline argued with her mother.  " But my dear , this Carnival will include people of different identity . All will come dressed in multicolours . It will be amazing to be a part of this event. Mauline ,do join to tell people your story. Tell them they must respect you for who you are . They should not judge you based on your external appearance. You will be able to make new friends , who are like you . You will observe that they are equally desparate to create their identity away from the one which society has labled them as. You don't get such chances everyday." So the on the next Sunday Mauline reached the venue . She was surprised to see hundreds of people walking down wearing the most colourful attires and following their floats . Some floats were made of multicoloured flowers, some carried images and models of rainbows , while others  carried crochet dolls dressed in rainbow hues. There were others who were carrying multi coloured flags , some held posters saying  " Don't run away . Please be my friend. " Mauline carried a multicoloured flag too and wore a colourful , frilled skirt and a top. She watched many unknown people hugging each other or holding on to each other with happy faces. A feeling of pure joy spread over her face . Another transgender woman named Clarance approached her and asked " Will you be my friend? Can you help me carry the banner. " Mauline read the banner  " We Are Equal . Include Us In Your Life Accept The Change , Move Ahead With Delight" Mauline shook her hand with Clarance. She was feeling a sense of pure bliss after having joined The Colour Carnival. Her own children may not have accepted her but here ,there were dozens who openly came forward and embraced her.  Mauline thanked her mother for opening new doors in her life for she felt too trapped in a man's body . She always showed a desire to wear women's clothes, apply nail paint . Her mother had lately caught her using a lipstick and putting on earrings.  " Manuel doesn't appear to be happy with her sex and identity ." She had told the doctor.  That was the only reason that she decided to change her sex. But , she was forced to feel ashamed by her own children. She was happy to walk out under the vast blue sky . She felt completeness after embracing the rainbow hues gifted by her new friends on that day of pride.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!