The Curse(d)

TheNightWriter posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-41 on 2022-05-19

“May I have this dance?” “Sure.”                                                                     ----------------------------- It was a pleasant morning, one of a kind. Or maybe it was the calm just before the storm. I parted the curtains, letting in some sunlight. She was sleeping peacefully on the bed. "This should not have happened!" I lit a cigarette and sipping on my tea watched her breathe soothingly. As I turn to face the view outside, I was stirred by her mumbling. "Don't go, please. I can't live without you!" I closed my eyes and let a tear drop on the marble floor. “She loves me. I don't know what to do. I love her too, but...  she cannot stay with me forever...  She will die someday, and I will still be living, alone with this curse...  I cannot do this- to her, to me, to us...  I have to leave..." As I start dressing, she wakes up, planting a soft kiss on my dry lips, making me want more of her, now and forever. I start crying and reveal to her my darkest secret. She is mum. "What is she thinking?" "She does not believe me." Suddenly I hear some distant shrieking. A fire broke out in the hotel and we need to run for our lives. “That’s it. I should run away.” And as we go down the stairs, I grab a blanket and make my way out of the hotel.                                                                              ----------------------- It's been a week now and she hasn't called yet. Nor did I look back since my escapade. "Did she manage to escape?" "Is she dead?" The thought terrifies me. "I NEED TO SEE HER!" Guilt dawned upon me. "I could’ve saved her." I drink the poison in the hope of finally dying, if not of poison then out of guilt. But I find myself coming out of the river- naked, taking a re-birth per my curse. I'm immortal. I return to my empty apartment- with an emptier soul and lay flat on my stomach, lost in my dreams. Nearly 200 years ago I was a scientist, researching life-saving drugs. One of my potions had flared well and saved many lives during the plague. It had potentials to bring back the dead to life. But it had a side effect- it was only for the ill and not the healthy ones. But I drank the potion out of anxiety of not catching the disease, just so that I could save more lives, and that is how I got this curse- immortality. I wake up from the nightmare and am shocked to see her in all her beauty. She is standing there by the window with a cup of coffee in one hand and the other reaching out to me. I’m confused and she brings me back to reality with a kiss- she is real; alive and teasing me with her curly brown locks, running around the room making me want to chase her. Phew! It was all a dream- the revelation, the fire, the loss.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!